22 SNPs Results Needed to Unlock One of Over 400 Million Unique, Science-Driven Nutritional Formulations Tailored to Your Individual Needs

You Already Hold The Keys To Your Greatest Potential for Health, Happiness, and Longevity…

Now you just have to open the lock.

Using your existing DNA analysis, we apply cutting-edge innovation to create a CODE Complex™ formula specifically for YOU, loaded with high-quality, bioactive ingredients tailored exactly to your nutritional needs.

Do you have the data required for us to formulate?

These are the twenty-two SNPs we need to unlock one of over 400 million unique, science-driven nutritional formulations tailored to your individual needs.

To determine compatibility, you can compare your raw data or use a raw data search tool to identify the following RS numbers, which we use to unlock our custom formulations:

  • rs693 (APOB): Healthy lipids; heart, nerve, and cell function
  • rs1244414 (ATP5C1): Mitochondrial function (cellular energy)
  • rs4680: Neurotransmitter recycling and stress hormone breakdown
  • rs1205 (CRP): Healthy inflammatory response
  • rs1799998 (CYP11B2): Blood pressure and adrenal support
  • rs1051740 (EPHX1): Detoxification; liver health
  • rs9939609 / rs1121980 (FTO): Weight management and hunger response
  • rs602662 (FUT2): B12 conversion, immune function, microbiome, heart health
  • rs1695 (GSTP1): Detoxification and cellular protection
  • rs1800795 (IL-6): Immune and inflammatory response
  • rs1801133 / rs1801131 (MTHFR): Methylation, detoxification, mood, inflammation
  • rs1801394 (MTRR): Heart health and homocysteine levels
  • rs1800566 (NQO1): Energy and heart health
  • rs662 (PON1): Detoxifying ‘bad’ cholesterol
  • rs4880 (SOD2): Detoxification and cellular protection
  • rs1800629 (TNF-α): Inflammatory response
  • rs2228570 / rs7975232 / rs1544410 / rs731236 (VDR): Vitamin D utilization, bone health, mood, immunity

If you are missing one or more rs numbers, we can still formulate for you (your CODE Complex™ will support the variants for which you have provided data).

However, if you want your personalized supplement to cover any/all genetic variants for which we formulate, you can purchase a SNIP DNA Test Kit now.

Questions? Email support@snipnutrition.com

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