A message from our Scientific Advisor, Andreanna Rainville, RN, CN

Posted By Nurse Andi

As a clinician, I have always wondered why two patients from the same household can have such different health statuses. How could two siblings consuming the same diet have entirely different vitamin D levels? How could one have a healthy microbiome while the other significantly struggled with their digestion? When genetics came into my sphere in the late 1990s, I began to understand the endless potential DNA analysis held for supporting the health, wellness, and unique needs of my patients. I was eager to learn, and because I have always prioritized nutritional interventions, it seemed natural to combine the two (genetics + nutrition = nutrigenomics).

DNA-personalized nutrition was a game changer in my practice, and it was immediately apparent that nutrigenomics was the wave (and way) of the future.

The challenges, however, were real and numerous: cost, complexity, and supplement fatigue. Despite the value offered, most of my patients found the nutritional genomics approach too challenging to embrace.

That was then. 

SNiP is now.

SNiP Nutrigenomics is the solution wellness practitioners like me have been waiting for. Finally, we can test instead of guess. We can provide a simple solution with powerful results. And our patients don’t have to wonder how on earth they can afford it.

Have questions about how SNiP can benefit your practice?

Do you want to know more about our actionable DNA reports, ingredients, or the science behind our personalized product?

Join me on Zoom

Exclusively for wellness professionals.

Just tap this link and let me know you’re interested in attending a SNiP Wellness Professional session. I will follow up with live (and recorded) options.

I look forward to meeting you soon.


Andreanna Rainville, RN, CN

SNiP Scientific Advisor

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