Getting Started with SNiP Nutrigenomics: A Step-By-Step Guide for Wellness Professionals Using SNiP in Their Practice

Posted By SNiP Nutrigenomics
*Please note: This guide will be updated frequently. Please check back frequently or email for up-to-date information.*

Getting Started with SNiP Nutrigenomics

A guide for Wellness Professionals using SNiP in their practice


Welcome to SNiP Nutrigenomics!

We are thrilled you have joined us to revolutionize the future of health through DNA-precision nutrition.

Our goal? Remove the guesswork so you can practice smarter.

We custom formulate a powerful, foundational nutritional supplement based on your patients’ and clients’ unique, genetic vulnerabilities.

Backed by over thirty years of research, our DNA-based nutrition is a simple, affordable solution for your medical or wellness practice.

Our DNA reports are ideal for any healthcare practice because they cover actionable SNPs and include relevant, scientifically validated information that’s easy to explain and integrate into any wellness plan.

Our personalized, DNA-based nutritional supplement, called CODE Complex, addresses patients’ unique genetic challenges while helping to reduce pill fatigue, complex supplement routines, and the costs of trial and error.

To ensure quality and privacy, DNA analysis is performed in a U.S. laboratory that is CLIA-certified, CAP-accredited and HIPPA-compliant. The ingredients used to make our products are third-party tested to ensure they meet our highest quality standards, and manufacturing occurs in a U.S.-based, FDA-registered, NSF-certified and cGMP-compliant facility.

This guide is designed to make integrating SNiP into your practice simple.

If you have additional questions or feedback, we are here to help. Please reach out to and we will reply within 24 hours.

How to register as a wellness professional

If you have already signed up, please skip to the next section.

  1. Visit
  2. Choose “Join as a professional now”
  3. Complete the form:
    • Name
    • Address
    • Email
    • Phone
    • Password [at least 6 characters]
    • Referral code* [Example: /YourName. This is the unique URL your patients will use to register their accounts, purchase non-office DNA test kits etc.
    • Wellness Professional Type
    • Size of your practice
    • Who referred you [If someone referred you but you don’t have their unique URL/referral code, you can use the “Referrer Lookup”; otherwise, you can leave this section blank]
    • Read and agree to Return Policy, Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions [check box]
    • Click “Register”
    • After registration is complete, you will receive an email welcoming you to SNiP Nutrigenomics and inviting you to join an onboarding session so that we can review the contents of this document and answer any questions you may have. If you have not scheduled your onboarding appointment or would like to schedule additional time, please contact

*Referral code note: The referral code is used as a link, for example, When patients enter your referral link into their browser, sales of DNA tests and supplements are automatically linked to you.

Your Personalized Landing Page

The personalized landing page feature allows for a more seamless experience for your patients. You can customize your page with your branding and information, making it easier for patients to connect with you. Here’s how to set it up.

About your account dashboard/portal

Note: The Dashboard is being reorganized and tabs may appear in a different order than listed below…

Profile Tab: On the left, your name, email, phone number and profile picture (photo is optional). On the right, your account details. Update both by selecting “Edit,” then making the changes and selecting “Update details” to save.


  • Secondary email: add a secondary email address when you have an office assistant, manager, nurse etc whom you want to be notified when patients receive their DNA results etc.
  • Show in referrer search: allows patients ordering DNA kits and supplements to easily find you/your unique referrer code.
  • Exclude my patients from DNA report reviews: check the box if you want to manage patient DNA report reviews (your patients will not be informed about SNiP’s DNA report review offerings). If this box is unchecked, when your patients’ DNA reports are ready for download, the email will include an offer to purchase a DNA report review with a SNiP wellness advisor. SNiP DNA report reviews are 30 minutes long and hosted by a licensed medical provider for $197.

Shop Tab: This is where you can purchase your own personal DNA test kit and supplements, as well as order DNA test kits to have in your office or clinic.

In-office test kits, you have two options:

Option #1: Pay $10 per kit plus shipping (kit does not include $297 lab + report fee).

Option #2: DNA Kit Collection (10-Pack) – 10 DNA test kits with pre-paid lab fees (all reports included) pay $2220 plus shipping

  •  Use for events or in-office testing
  •  Charge clients directly and set your own price
  • Additional savings of $25 per kit ($75 off of retail)


Shipping note: We currently ship test kits to/from the U.S. and Canada, and personalized supplements to these additional countries when formulated based on DNA data entry (such as 23andme). Shipping to/from the U.S. (only) is free for individual DNA test kits and personalized supplements on subscription. Wellness professionals pay for shipping on in-office DNA test kits.

My Orders Tab: These are your personal orders, including your own DNA test kit, your personalized supplements and shipping paid on in-office test kits.

My Subscription Tab: This is where you will verify you have been subscribed to your personalized supplement and can make changes or updates to the status of your subscription (for example, skip or change the date of the next order).

My Addresses Tab: These are addresses connected with your personal orders or payments.

My DNA Reports Tab: This is where you will find and access your personal DNA reports once your sample has been processed (you will be notified by email that your DNA reports are ready).

Patient DNA Reports Tab: This is where you will find and access your patients’ DNA reports once they have opted in to share with you. (Patients manage opt-in through their own “My DNA Reports” tab).

Note: You will receive an email notification when your patient’s DNA reports are ready for review.

My Payment Methods Tab: Your (personal) credit card on file to pay for your (personal) DNA test kit, your personalized supplement and for shipping on in-office DNA test kits

Referrer Link Tab: View or update your referrer link (your unique URL) that your patients will use to purchase kits that are being delivered to their home(s). Reminder: Former referrer link/URL will no longer work once a new one has been saved.

View QR Code: View or download your QR code and print for ease of DNA kit purchase(s) when kits are being delivered to a patient’s home. Useful for events.

Invite Link Generator: Create a trackable link for email or promotional campaigns

Network Tab: This is where you will see patients who have registered DNA kits or purchased DNA kits/supplements using your unique referral code.

If you referred a colleague to SNiP, and they registered as a wellness professional with your unique URL, you will see their name(s) along with the number of patients registered under them; these are the supplement sales on which you receive 5%.

Commissions Tab: This is where you can see and track your commissions on DNA test kits ($50 only if the coupon code we provided you is not used) and 25% on CODE Complex personalized supplements.

Refund Reports Tab: This is where you will see any refunds that have been processed impacting your commissions.

Wallet Tab: Your commission balance is found here. The first time you receive your commissions you must set up your iPayout account. Tutorial here:

Customer Service Tab: Questions, comments or suggestions? Send us a support ticket through this tab, or an email directly to

Personalized Landing Page Tab: This tool allows you to create your own landing page featuring your personalized image/video and content speaking to your unique audience. Watch this video tutorial outlining the simple steps to set up.

Education & Marketing Tab (updated regularly – please check your portal for most recent)

Videos (How-To, Educational, Testimonial, Promotional):

  • DNA Test Tutorial
  • How to order CODE Complex customized supplement
  • How To Access Your DNA Reports From SNiP Nutrigenomics
  • Unlock Your DNA’s Potential with CODE Complex
  • A Review of the CODE DNA Report (video for wellness professionals)
  • A Review of the CODE DNA Report (video for customers/patients)

Documents (Educational & Support, Promotional, SNiP, Marketing):

Additional resources:

In-office DNA Test Kits ~ Top Tips & FAQs

Can DNA test kits be delivered directly to my patients?

Yes! DNA tests can be delivered directly to patients’ homes. Simply provide your patients with your unique/referral link and they can follow the prompts to purchase a kit for home testing. Once delivered, they will register the kit and sign the digital consent before completing the test at home (or in office with you). All tests are mailed back to the lab with a prepaid mailer through regular mail.

How do in-office test kits work?

In-office DNA kits are connected to you as a provider, but not “attached” to your patients until they are registered and paid for by your patients.

During an appointment, follow the instructions on the card (located inside the kit) to register the kit with each patient, which will include having them pay for and consent to their testing.

After the registration/payment/consenting process is complete, swab your patient according to the instructions on the card and return the swab(s) in the prepaid mailer.

Your patient will receive an email confirming their DNA kit has been successfully registered.

A second notification will let patients know when their DNA has been received by the lab and then again when their results are ready for them to access electronically through their account.

Note: You will be notified when your patient’s results are ready as well. Your patient will need to share their results with you. We recommend waiting to schedule appointments to review DNA results until after your patient has received and downloaded their reports. Reports can also be reviewed in-office with your patient, through their personal account portal.

How are in-office kits paid for?

Providers pay $10 plus shipping for in-office kits and must keep a credit card saved on file. In-office kits are connected to you as a provider, however, no lab/report fees are attached until your patient registers and pays for their kit. It is your responsibility to ensure that patients register and pay for their kits at PLEASE NOTE: If a kit that’s connected to you as a provider arrives at the lab without payment or registration, you will be informed and have two weeks to contact your patient to be sure they register and pay for their kit. If the kit is not paid for by the patient within 2 weeks, you will be billed $247 for the lab fee for the patient.

Should I send test kits home with my patients?

No. In-office kits are for in-office use only and should not be sent home with patients to register or complete.

Taking kits home often results in patient confusion around payment, consent, etc. resulting in delayed or “unattached” results that may need to be re-run (at your patient’s expense).

How can I ensure my patient’s DNA will be processed successfully?

Please closely follow the instructions included in the DNA kit to make sure there is adequate genetic material for processing. If there are not enough cells for validation, testing will need to be repeated.

What happens if my patients need to be re-tested due to a lab issue?

If re-testing is necessary, we will reach out to your patient directly and send them a new test kit free of charge (for first-time re-tests only).

They will need to re-register AND consent their new kit before swabbing and returning the kit to the lab in the prepaid envelope.

What happens if my patients fail to complete the consent during kit registration?

DNA test kits arriving at the lab without a signed consent will not be automatically processed. Kits without consent will be held, and processing will be delayed, until the consent is completed.

To avoid delays, please ensure that all steps of the kit registration process are followed thoroughly. The final and crucial step is signing the consent form.

If a kit arrives at the lab without a signed consent form, we will reach out to your patient via the email on file. They will have up to 60 days to complete the consent. If the consent is not provided within this timeframe, the sample may be destroyed, and the test will need to be redone at a cost of $20 plus shipping.

Tips For Successful DNA Kit Registration

  1. Log out. Be sure to log out or open a private browser before every DNA kit registration.
  2. Use Your Referral Link. Please ensure your referral link is always used when directing clients to order their DNA kits or enter their DNA data. This link is critical for being able to connect your patients to your account accurately. Note: You have 30 days to report any discrepancies to if a patient is not showing up in your network (viewable under the “My Network” tab in your account).
  3. Register kits in-office. Please do not send test kits home with your patients to complete. Register each DNA test kit with your patient present at the time of testing to ensure timely and correct processing. Patients will need to enter their own email and password, add personal shipping and billing information, and process the payment with their credit card.
  4. Remember the consent. If a kit arrives at the lab without being consented and digitally signed, analysis cannot be completed or results prepared. So, after kit registration and payment, be sure your patient completes this final step. See section “How are in-office kits paid for?” for more details.

How to register/order patients’ DNA kits and supplements

When you want to register an in-office DNA test kit:

To order in-office test kits, see “Shop Tab” section above. Please do not give patients in-office kits to take home.

  1. Important: Make sure you are logged out of your account (when logged out, the upper right-hand corner will say “Login”)
  2. Click on “Register Kit” and enter the kit code found on the kit’s vials (begins with GK)
  3. Confirm the kit is being registered to your patient only
  4. Have your patient follow the prompts all the way through to the signed consent form; be sure to SAVE credit card on file so their supplements subscription can run (if opted in)
  5. Complete DNA test following included instructions
  6. Return sample in pre-paid envelope.

Note: Each patient must use their own, unique email for their kit registration; If you are registering kits for multiple family members, be sure they each register with their own/unique email address. See “Kit Registration/Purchasing Tips” below.

When your patient wants to order an at-home DNA test kit:

  1. Have your patient go to your unique/referrer URL (i.e.
  2. Next, they click on “Get Your DNA Test Kit”
  3. Then, under the DNA test kit (“Tool #1”), click “Add To Cart”
  4. From the shopping cart sidebar, choose “Checkout”
  5. Complete the top portion of the form, apply coupon code (if using) and, if they want their supplement to be run when their reports are ready, choose capsules or powder on subscription (saves $20/order, can be canceled or skipped anytime) and “Add to Cart”
  6. Add payment method and choose “Save Credit Card” (card must be saved for supplements to run on subscription)
  7. Agree to Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and Return Policy

Note: Your patient’s kit will arrive in 7 business days or less. See “Kit Registration/Purchasing Tips” below.

Kit Registration/Purchasing Tips:

  • The coupon code we provided you with gives your patients $50 off their DNA test kit. When this code is used, you (the provider) do not receive commissions on the kit purchase/registration.
  • Your patient will receive an email notification letting them know their sample has been received by the lab and is being processed. Within 21 business days, your patients’ DNA reports will be available for them (as digital downloads). You will also be notified by email that your patients’ DNA reports are ready for your patients to access.
  • Before your patient completes the registration/purchase of their DNA test kit, they will see an option to subscribe to their personalized supplement, CODE Complex. It’s easiest to go ahead and add this to the order at the time. They will not be charged until their DNA analysis has been completed– they will also receive an email 5 days before the order runs, in case they want to cancel or delay the subscription.
  • Subscribing to their customized supplement (CODE Complex) for $159 per order saves your patient $20/month (and includes free shipping for US-based subscribers). Subscriptions can be canceled, skipped or delayed anytime without charge. They can make updates through the “My Subscription” tab in their account). Single-order supplements can also be ordered for $179.
  • If your patient does not subscribe to their supplement when registering their kit, they can subscribe anytime later by logging into their account, going to their “Shop” tab, choosing their supplement in capsule or powder, and checking out. Reminder: Your patient’s credit card MUST be saved on file for their subscription to run successfully.
  • What is better, capsules or powder? Because nearly 400 million different formulations are possible, we cannot know in advance how an individual’s personalized supplement will taste. Assuming your patient is ok swallowing capsules, we suggest ordering capsules to begin with. Capsules dissolve perfectly in a high-speed blender or can be opened. After tasting the blended or emptied capsules in a favorite smoothie, some patients may want to update their subscription to powder form. Tip: We have found that vanilla-flavored protein powders and milk/milk alternatives taste amazing with almost every formulation. In fact, orange juice + vanilla protein powder + 2 scoops CODE Complex + Ice tastes like an Orange Julius!
  • Dosing: 10 capsules or 2 scoops of powder per day. For those who may be sensitive, we suggest starting slowly with food and lots of water and increasing when ready. Once the full dose is achieved, it can be taken at any time of day or night, with or without food, per your patient’s preference. There is no caffeine in CODE Complex, so taking at night works for many people.
  • Where do I find the ingredients in my patient’s personalized formulation? Ingredients can be found on your patients’ Supplement Facts Panel (SFP) located on the last page of their CODE Complex Report. Note: While genetically-informed blends are listed on the SFP, vitamins specific to each blend are reported “above the line” (in other words at the top of the SFP). For example, if your patient has one or more FTO variants, their supplement will include Alpha Lipoic Acid, Bamboo Leaf Extract, Berberine, and Vitamin C; however, Vitamin C will be reported at the top of their SFP and not under the boost name (“Proprietary FTO Blend”) listed further down. Please refer to our ingredient list which shows which nutrients are included in each blend. All patients receive the “Proprietary Base Blend” as well as the “Proprietary ac-11®, Frankincense, Astaxanthin Blend.”
  • Can I remove ingredients from a patient’s formulation? Individual ingredients and “Base” blend ingredients cannot be removed. However, our genetically-informed blends can be removed upon request.  To exclude one or more genetically-informed blends, you or your patient may send an email to before your patient’s supplement order being processed, which may be as early as 5 days after your patient’s DNA results are ready.

Once your patient’s DNA test kit arrives at their home (ordered online):

Please do not give in-office kits to your patients to take home.

  1. Your patient logs into their account at
  2. They click on “Register Kit” in the upper right-hand corner
  3. They complete and digitally sign the DNA kit consent form
  4. They follow the instructions included in their kit to swab both cheeks
  5. They return their sample in the pre-paid mailer.

These instructions are included in the kit. They will also be sent an email with this video tutorial on how to complete their DNA test:

Tip for registering patients:

  • Be sure patient emails are entered correctly. All communications for patients – for example, notifying them that their DNA sample has been received by the lab, that their DNA reports are ready, etc. are through email.
  • Ensure SNiP emails arrive successfully. Remind patients to add and to their safe senders list.
  • Use Your Referral Link. Please ensure your referral link is always used when directing clients to order their DNA kits or enter their DNA data. This link is critical for being able to connect your patients to your account accurately. Note: You have 30 days to report any discrepancies to if a patient is not showing up in your network (viewable under the “My Network” tab in your account).

How patients order and manage their personalized supplement subscriptions

Starting a subscription

Personalized supplements (CODE Complex) can be placed on subscription at the time an in-office DNA test kit is registered and paid for or when a patient orders their DNA test kit from your referral link (

To order CODE Complex during DNA kit registration, while ordering a DNA test kit, or any time after a DNA test kit has been registered/ordered, your patient must be logged in. From there,

  1. Click on “Shop” and choose capsules or powder and “Subscription” from the pull-down list.
  2. Click “Add to cart”
  3. Click “Checkout”
  4. From checkout, select “Shipping frequency*” – 30, 45 or 60 days.
  5. Complete purchase

*Shipping frequency note: In certain circumstances, you may advise patients to take (or start with) less than the regular daily dose (10 caps or 2 scoops) per day. If no changes to daily dosing are being made, keep the shipping frequency at every 30 days. A patient can update anytime under “My Subscription.”

Managing subscription

Patients must be logged into their personal account to manage their supplement subscription. After logging in:

  1. Click “My Subscription” (if no subscription is active, this section will be blank)
  2. On the far right are three icons; choose whichever one you’d like to use: (1) edit, (2) skip (the next shipment), or (3) delete.
  3. Under edit, patients can make various changes to their subscriptions, including the shipping frequency.
  4. If the patient is traveling and wants to add another bottle to their subscription, etc – they can choose “Add product”
  5. If they want to pause or stop the subscription, they can choose the delete icon.
  6. If a patient wants to switch from capsules to powder (or vice versa): delete the current subscription and add a new one.
  7. To re-start a subscription after it has been deleted, under “My Subscription,” choose “Add”]
  8. After making any changes or adding a subscription, patients should check their next shipping date and payment method* and be sure to select “Update” in order to process changes.

 *Payment method note: A credit card must be saved and on file for subscriptions to run successfully. If payments do not process, three additional attempts will be made (patients are notified by email each time).

Timeline – How long does it take to….?

  • Time to receive an individual DNA kit ordered online: Up to 7 business days (usually less).
  • Time to receive in-office bulk DNA test kits (ordered online): Up to 7 business days (usually less)
  • Time for DNA to be processed: Up to 21 business days (usually less). Patients are notified by email when the lab receives their DNA sample for processing and again when their DNA reports are ready for digital download. You (the practitioner) are notified when your patients’ DNA results are ready as well. Patients must opt-in to share their results with you by clicking on the “Share” button at the top of their DNA reports page. Once shared, your patients’ reports can be found in your account under the Patient DNA Reports tab.
  • Time to begin compounding supplements: If your patient is already on subscription, their order will be processed 5 days after their DNA results are ready. Compounding may take up to 10 days. After completion, supplements are mailed directly to your patients and are generally received in less than 7 days (continental US).
  • We recommend that you schedule appointments to review your patients’ DNA reports at least 22 business days after your patients’ test kits are received by the lab (up to 7 days after DNA test kits are returned in their pre-paid mailers). Alternatively, you can wait to schedule until you and your patient are notified by email that their DNA results/reports are ready.


Be sure you and your patients are opted-in to receive all communications from SNiP and that has been added to your safe-senders lists. Don’t forget to check junk mail. If after taking these steps, you or your patients are not receiving emails, please send an email to

  • Patients will receive numerous emails guiding them step-by-step through the process of testing, ordering their supplements etc. For example, they receive emails confirming orders, when the lab has received their DNA sample, when their results are ready, 5 days before their customized supplement order is processed (when on subscription), and when their supplement order has been completed. When they receive the email letting them know their DNA results are ready, they will be able to access their reports and order their personalized supplement if they still need to do so.
  • You will receive emails letting you know when new patients have registered with SNiP (using your referral link) and when patients’ DNA results are ready for them to download. You will also be notified by email about your personal DNA results and supplement, as well as when commissions are posted to your account. Emails containing educational materials or links to additional resources are also delivered by email.
  • If we are aware that an email is bouncing, we will contact you – however, it is the patient’s responsibility to ensure their email address is entered correctly, that the emails have not gone to junk, etc.

How to get paid

Wellness professionals earn 25% on referral sales of personalized nutrition and can earn $50 on DNA kits (if the optional coupon code is not used) and DNA data entry.

Commissions are paid approximately a week out (typically on Fridays). When a commission posts to your account, you will receive an email notification with a link to log in to your account.

If you have not yet set up your wallet to receive funds:

  • Find your dashboard’s “Wallet” tab, then choose “Withdraw”
  • Complete the iPayout registration form and follow the prompts

For help setting up your iPayout account, watch this video, or call +1 (866) 844-5682. If iPayout is unable to help you, please let us know by emailing


Helpful videos 

SNiP Blog: Share-worthy articles 

Our blog’s mission is to educate and inspire. To share blog articles with your referral link attached, here are the steps:

  1. Copy the blog post URL (for example,
  2. Add /YourReferralCode to the end of the URL (for example


  • Credit card or payment issues – Check to be sure that information is entered correctly and that the credit card has been saved to the account (for subscription orders). If still having issues, contact credit card company directly to authorize payment.
  • Login trouble – Refresh screen; log out/then back in; reset password; or contact
  • Emails not received – Check junk mail, add to safe senders list, be sure you are opted-in to receive emails (look under your “profile” tab in your account, or contact our support team.
  • Issues with DNA reports – On occasion, data may be “pulled” incompletely on DNA reports. If you/your patients notice an area of the report where data appears incomplete, please send a message to and we will refresh the report.

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Join the conversation with SNiP on the following platforms:

Love the difference SNiP is making for your patients/clients?

Nominate yourself or a colleague using SNiP in their practice for one of our video testimonials and support our shared goal of better health outcomes through nutrigenomics. Plus, receive a copy for your website or social media.

 How to get help, share feedback, etc.

Please email us at

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