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Four Mistakes Slowing Metabolism for Women Over 40 (and What to Do About Them)

Uncover four metabolism-slowing mistakes women over 40 make and get practical tips to boost energy, maintain weight, and feel your best.

Harnessing Nutrigenomics: Managing Allergies Through Genetic Insights

Explore how nutrigenomics can support a healthy response to food and environmental allergens by tailoring your diet to your unique genetic profile.

The Future of Health: Why DNA-Personalized Supplements are Leading the Charge

5 Ways SNiP Nutrigenomic’s DNA Test Is Unique

The days of blind nutrition are behind us.At SNiP Nutrigenomics, we give you actionable information from you DNA. Using a CLIA certified and HIPAA compliant lab, we gather information about specific genes that can lead to real improvements in your health and wellness.Here are 6 insights unique to SNiP's DNA Test